Kiwa offers you a wide range of expertise and inspection services for machinery safety. Our services help to ensure that your machinery, tools and other equipment are in safe operating condition and that they comply with the relevant legislation. Kiwa's extensive service package covers the whole life cycle of machinery and working equipment: from design and manufacture through to purchase, use, inspection and removal from operation.
The machinery’ s intended environment of use creates many operational prerequisites, which should be taken into close consideration from the beginning; from design, manufacture and purchasing. Only machinery that complies with all relevant requirements can be placed on the market and put into service. Kiwa’s services help to avoid unnecessary costs, subsequent repairs and hidden risks. For instance, at the production stage we can monitor the manufacturing process and make sure the machinery conforms to relevant harmonized standards and legislation. At a later date, we can help you in writing your purchasing specifications and assist you in determining whether a machine complies with applicable legislation, standards and your purchasing specifications.
Owners and users of machines face different challenges, which can be tackled with risk management and other proactive activities. Our services give you tools to improve workplace safety and keep your machinery in safe operating condition during its operational lifetime. Our services include, for example, hazard identifications and risk assessments, inspections during all phases (when first put into service and periodic checks) and life expectancy assessments. Our services are independent and objective, and they are tailored to specific customer needs, in other words, your needs.
Typical Objects
- Machinery
- Work equipment
- Lifting accessories
- Partly completed machinery
- Assemblies of machinery
- Other technical devices
- Assures that machinery is designed, manufactured and used in a good and safe way
- Ensures that machinery complies with the relevant requirements of the Machinery Directive (e.g. requirements for the technical file of the machinery or risk assessment) and with applicable harmonized standards
- Helps you to make the right investment, modification, modernization or maintenance decisions
- Effective and easy purchasing of machinery
- Increases operational reliability and safety during the machine’s lifecycle
- Decreases the number of workplace accidents involving machinery
- High-quality risk management enables proactive and targeted actions
- Reduces direct and indirect costs, for example, risk of costly recalls or subsequent repairs
- Enables economic aspects to be taken into account when removing machinery from service
- Helps you to create a safer and healthier workplace with more satisfied employees
Standards / Regulatory Compliance
- Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
- EU legislation and standards on machinery safety, and national legislation on the safe use of machinery