Who is INSTA-CERT for?
The INSTA-CERT certification scheme has been designed to meet customer needs. The INSTA-CERT certification mark on the product indicates that the product meets a few important quality requirements, and the mandatory regulatory requirements.
In accordance with the scheme, the manufacturer of the product has made a voluntary commitment to independent external quality control. The INSTA-CERT certification criteria are public, so the person making the purchasing decision can check what they are about to purchase, i.e. what the mark on the product means.
About INSTA-CERT certification
Ladders, safety glass, plastic pipes and fittings, plastic pipe systems and chambers, toilet seats and washbasins seem not have much in common. However, quality is important for both industry and consumers. For example, breakage of plastic pipes underground can be expensive, but assessing the quality of pipes without measuring or testing is an impossible task. The INSTA-CERT or Nordic Poly Mark certification mark on these products shows the product meets the requirements of the Nordic quality level.
One single mark for all Nordic countries
The INSTA-CERT certification scheme makes it possible to demonstrate conformity of a product with the requirements in one go and with a single mark in all Nordic countries. The INSTA-CERT scheme has been created by a group of joint Nordic certifiers, in which Kiwa Finland acts as the representative of Finland.
The INSTA-CERT product certification can be identified by the certification marks for the following product groups:
- INSTA-CERT Ladders, Safety glass, Bathroom furniture.
- Nordic Poly Mark Plastic pipes and fittings, Plastic pipe systems and chambers.

Benefits of the INSTA-CERT certification
- The INSTA-CERT certification identifies quality products.
- Facilitates trading and promotes competitiveness in Nordic markets.
- Prevents quality-related risks and additional costs.
- Supports customers in making purchasing decisions.
Requirements INSTA-CERT certification
The certification scheme is described in the General Rules for Nordic Certification (GRC). In addition, Specific Certification Rules (SBC) have been prepared for each product.
The regulations describe the scheme for applying and maintaining the certificate and the testing and inspection requirements. The requirements are drawn up as Nordic cooperation, considering the needs of each member country. The certification requirements are based on European standards or Nordic product specifications. Any additional requirements, e.g. due to climatic conditions, are specified in the SBC certification rules for the product concerned.
Testing and inspection
Conformity with the requirements of the products is demonstrated by testing the products and by verifying the manufacturing conditions and factory quality control. Both the manufacturer and the certifier control the certified products.
The scope of the inspections and testing is defined product-specifically. Tests and inspections on which the INSTA-CERT certification is based and maintained are always carried out by an impartial and independent party.